Build High Quality Software Products

High quality software demands high quality processes. We bring rigor to software development teams to ensure not just high quality code, but that the entire product development process is measurable and predictable.

Agile Delivery

Rapid iterations in development cycles and frequent feedback ensures the product meets user and client needs. We apply practical and appropriate Agile practices to ensure the focus is on the things that matter:

  • Delivering features that the user/client needs the most;
  • Releasing new features frequently;
  • Ensuring traceability of work to business value; and
  • Accountability.

Robust Testing

We believe in the value of Test Driven Development (TDD), but also recognize that it can be disruptive and even impractical to implement in established product teams. We take a balanced approach to ensure that testing is baked into your product development processes by default by:

  • Writing testable code;
  • Ensuring high unit test coverage;
  • Automate testing to ensure consistency and efficiency; and
  • Apply coding standards that facilitate robust monitoring and easy troubleshooting.

DevOps Automation

Manual processes are prone to human error and inconsistencies, resulting in bugs that are unpredictable, difficult to reproduce, and hard to troubleshoot. Automating the repetitive tasks such as the following results in fewer bugs and higher efficiency, freeing your team up to focus on what matters, releasing features:

  • Infrastructure deployment and configuration;
  • Code build, test, and deployment;
  • Version management;
  • Patch management; and
  • Security management (e.g., credentials refresh).

Quality Engineering

High quality engineering processes and behaviours result in high quality products. We work with your team to build and adopt disciplined product development processes so that embedding quality into everything you do becomes second nature. We do this through:

  • Pair programming to promote collaboration and technical feedback;
  • Well defined coding standards to promote code quality, readability, testability, and consistency;
  • Code reviews and Retros to create a feedback and improvement loop;
  • One-on-one coaching to build and imprint quality engineering behaviours; and
  • In-context learning to ensure the problem is solved properly the first time around rather than rely on temporary fixes and high-cost refactoring later.