Become a SaaS Company

Moving from traditional licensed based product distribution models to SaaS-based creates opportunities for increased revenue while lowering operating costs, especially at hyperscale. We have the experience to help you convert an existing product into a SaaS offering or create a new SaaS business.

Product Management

SaaS products have to be managed differently from traditional software products. Customer expectations for new features are higher and more frequent, requiring much faster release cycles. The management of customer data places higher security demands along with more focus on data migrations and backwards compatibility. We can help you through:

  • Re-defining Product Owner roles and Product Management processes to facilitate faster release and feedback cycles;
  • Working with your management and finance teams to ensure budgeting practices support both the speed and flexibility required for SaaS development while still maintaining traceability; and
  • Ensuring you have the appropriate level of architecture design up front to provide some level of future proofing without unnecessarily delaying feature development.

Cloud-Native Re-Engineering

Heritage applications contain components and services that are often better and more cost-efficient to consume from the Cloud. Leaving heritage applications as-is also means you’re migrating all the technical debt into an environment which can be changed without your control, introducing significant operational risk. We have the experience to re-engineer your applications to unlock the full potential of Cloud while addressing your technical debt through

  • Application refactoring to better leverage existing Cloud capabilities and services to reduce the overall code footprint;
  • Architecture concepts that optimizes for costs (e.g., FaaS, PaaS, microservices, modular scaling, dynamic environments, multi-tenancy);
  • Containerization and management platforms right sized to your level of complexity and scale (e.g., Docker, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Anthos);
  • Highly instrumented applications designed to leverage Cloud monitoring platforms to provide operational insight; and
  • Abstracting security away from developers using Cloud-based tools and frameworks (e.g., key vaults, identity & access management, software defined networks, threat detection, patch management).

DevOps Automation

Manual processes are prone to human error and inconsistencies, resulting in bugs that are unpredictable, difficult to reproduce, and hard to troubleshoot. Automating the repetitive tasks such as the following results in fewer bugs and higher efficiency, freeing your team up to focus on what matters, releasing features:

  • Infrastructure deployment and configuration;
  • Code build, test, and deployment;
  • Version management;
  • Patch management; and
  • Security management (e.g., credentials refresh).

Agile Delivery

Rapid iterations in development cycles and frequent feedback ensures the product meets user and client needs. We apply practical and appropriate Agile practices to ensure the focus is on the things that matter:

  • Delivering features that the user/client needs the most;
  • Releasing new features frequently;
  • Ensuring traceability of work to business value; and
  • Accountability.